Elect Spence F. Burton

Petaluma City Council

About Me

Committee to Elect

Spence F. Burton

FPPC #: 1283562

P. O. Box 5522

Petaluma, CA 94955-5522


Phone: 707-763-9082

E-mail: ElectSpence@spenceburton.org

This Labor Day will mark the 30th Anniversary of our move to Petaluma from Daly City. I was born in New York in 1948 and attended school in NYC. I moved to California in 1970. I married my wife, Catherine Balestrieri (a native San Franciscan) in 1973.

I retired from the Postal Service in 2004, having worked for the USPS for over 34 years.

During those years I served in various positions including: Letter Carrier; Automation Coordinator for the USPS from Sunnyvale to Eureka; full time President of Local 214, NALC; Asst. Business Agent and Arbitration Advocate for the National Association of Letter Carriers, etc.  I am currently a member of the Northbay Labor Council. I have spent most of my life trying to help the average working person.  The words “Justice for All” in the Pledge of Allegiance had and always will have a Special Meaning for me!

I also currently serve on the City of Petaluma Technology and Telecommunications Advisory Committee, and have done volunteer work for various organizations in Petaluma and in Northern California over the years including: Carousel Fund; Veterans’ Day Parade; Cinnabar Theater; Petaluma Schools; Petaluma Community Access; Hospice; Muscular Dystrophy Assn., etc. 

My wife Cathy is a Spanish/Italian teacher at Tomales High School and the Petaluma Campus of the Santa Rosa Junior College. She is a former President of the Petaluma Branch of AAUW.

I am a Producer on Community Access TV programming in Petaluma on Comcast Cable. OUR PETALUMA!

CLICK HERE to view a partial list of some the organizations to which I belong.

Want to know more about me?





© July, 2006 All Rights Reserved — Committee to Elect Spence F. Burton, FPPC#: 1283562
Permission to copy ANY information, etc. contained on these WebPages is DENIED, unless you receive written confirmation from Spence F. Burton in advance.   Authorization MUST be in writing with a signature attached, authorization cannot be done via email or other electronic media!


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A small poster that you can place in your home or car window!

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To  visit my Personal Homepage where you will find out even more about me, my background, my history, my interests and my views!


DID YOU KNOW that my

4th Great Grandfather fought in the Revolutionary War?

John Cunius!