Do you want to display a Lawn Sign?

Can you afford to CONTRIBUTE to help me pay for mailing, printing, etc. All contributions are welcome ($200 per person limit by law), and small contributions from individuals are especially  encouraged!

Host a small tea/coffee for your friends/neighbors

Are you willing to call your Friends and Neighbors?

Will you distribute literature to your friends or neighbors?


© October 19, 2008 All Rights Reserved
Permission to copy ANY information, etc. contained on these webpages is DENIED, unless you receive written confirmation from Spence F. Burton in advance.   Authorization MUST be in writing with a signature attached, authorization cannot be done via email or other electronic media! This webpage was designed and is maintained by me! The wepage, etc. is paid for by:

Committee to Elect Spence F. Burton P.O. Box 5522, Petaluma, CA 94955 FPPC#: 1283562