Spence F. Burton

About Me

Committee to Elect Spence F. Burton

P. O. Box 5522

Petaluma, CA 94955-5522


Phone: 707-763-9082

E-mail: ElectSpence@SpenceBurton.org

My wife Cathy Balestrieri Burton and I moved to Petaluma 32 years ago.


  I am retired from the Postal Service after more than 34 years. My wife teaches Spanish/Italian at Santa Rosa Junior College.

      I currently serve on the City of Petaluma Planning Commission and formerly served on the City of Petaluma Technology and Telecommunications  Committee. I have volunteered for the: Petaluma 150th Anniversary celebrations, Carousel Fund; Veterans Parade; Cinnabar Theater; Petaluma City Schools; Muscular Dystrophy Assn.; St. James Knights of Columbus (Sonoma Mountain Pkwy) etc.

To Contact Me:

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Committee to Elect Spence F. Burton P.O. Box 5522, Petaluma, CA 94955 FPPC#: 1283562

Mi esposa Cathy Balestrieri y yo nos mudamos a Petaluma hace 32 años.


Soy jubilado; me retiré del Servicio Postal después de 34 años.  Mi esposa enseña español/italiano en Santa Rosa Junior College desde hace muchos años.

      Actualmente sirvo como Miembro de la Comisión de Urbanismo de la Ciudad de Petaluma (fui nombrado unánimemente); antes serví en el Comité T & T de la Ciudad de Petaluma; he sido voluntario para:  el Fondo Carousel, El Desfile de los Veteranos, El Teatro Cinnabar; Las Escuelas de la Ciudad de Petaluma; La Asociación de la Distrofía Muscular, Los Knights of Columbus de St. James #1586, etc.

Professional, Community  & Cultural involvement and membership


¨ North bay Labor Council Member


¨ Sonoma County Genealogical Society, and other Genealogical Societies.


¨ National Sicilian American Foundation


¨ ARBA SICULA, a Sicilian/American Cultural Society


¨ Knights of Columbus, Petaluma Council # 1586


¨ Order of Sons of Italy in America, OSIA


¨ National Italian American Foundation, NIAF


¨ Annual Letter Carrier “Food Drive”


¨ 1973 - 1986, Muscular Dystrophy Foundation and Telethon


¨ Student Exchange Program: Together with my wife, we have coordinated a High School student exchange program with Sicily, Italy.  To my knowledge, it is the ONLY student excange program in California with schools in Sicily.  Together we have taken several groups of students from Tomales High School to Sciacca, Sicily, Italy, and have hosted students from both Sciacca and Marsala.  We raise funds for the students through various events including our annual “That’s Amore” dinner and silent auction.



My Postal Career


¨ I began my career in Cedarhurst, NY in 1968.  I moved to the San Francisco area in June 1970, and rejoined the San Francisco Post Office in the same year.  After moving to Petaluma in September 1976 with my wife, Catherine Balestrieri     Burton, I began working at the Marina Post Office (Pacific Heights area of San Francisco) in 1979. During most of that time I commuted via Golden Gate Transit.


¨ For several years, before I retired, I had been on a Special Assignment, jointly appointed by the NALC Business Agent for much of the West Coast and the San Francisco District Manger of the Postal Service.  My job has been to coordinate the automation of letter mail from Eureka through Sunnyvale.  In that capacity I was constantly interfacing with craft, union and various levels of management on a daily basis.   It was my job to make sure all the pieces fell into place correctly and that everyone was aware of their place in the whole process of moving the mail in a timely and accurate manner.


¨ I have received several “Commendations” and “Awards” from the USPS. I have received extensive training on “working together,” “teamwork,” and “consensus building” through the use of the “Employee Involvement” process, and I have also served as the Co-Chairperson for this process, both in San Francisco and in the North Bay.


¨ I received a “Lifetime Achievement Award” in 2004 from San Francisco Bay Area Branch 214 of the National Association of Letter Carriers.


¨ I retired from the Postal Service in November, 2004.



Interests and Activities


¨ The future growth of Petaluma and Sonoma County

¨ Preserving and enhancing the current “Quality of Life” in our town and community

¨ Public Transit and transportation along the Hwy. 101 corridor and within Petaluma


¨ Video production for Local Television


¨ Genealogical Research on my Heritage and family

¨ Non-Profit Webpage design and maintenance